- Model since 15/12/2024
- Last online: 04/01/2025
- Lesbians
I am intelligent with refined tastes amp appreciate the same in an interesting partner with whom I can be totally uninhibited or enjoy any role play where I am not being degraded Please clearly communicate what you want us to do in private chat because I cannot read your mind yet
Description & Turn Offs
Turn Ons: Long slow seduction leading to mutual satisfaction and ending with polite conversation We should both get maximum pleasure from our time together
Turn Offs: Pushy rude people who can t even say hello when they enter my room or go private 1-2 minutes for a quick peek and then leave Also I can perform anal sex but don t usually enjoy it
Sexual preference: bisexual
Age: 33 years old
Hair color: black
Eye color: brown
Bust / Penis size: huge
Current status on LiveJasmin is: Public Show.
In Jan 2025, NovaKim spent a total of 4 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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