- Model since 01/11/2024
- Last online: 10/01/2025
- Lesbians
The ideal woman was perceived through the prism of social norms and cultural ideas of the time Women were often associated with the home and their role in society was limited to family responsibilities but morality has brought all the evil into love - this is my worldview and I believe that I am right in my findings I have an idea of an ideal woman and I try to live up to my ideal and combine attractiveness intelligence and a certain social status and differ from ordinary women I pay great attention to my appearance and follow fashion trends I wear expensive clothes jewelry and elaborate makeup My goal is to attract attention and captivate men to let them relax alone with me in a private chat to provide visual pleasure hehe In addition to my appearance I am educated I have a higher education and can hold conversations on various topics And also I have skills in music dance and art So I I can not only entertain but also conduct an intellectual dialogue
Description & Turn Offs
Turn Ons: I love creativity drawing embroidery needlework self-care - healthy eating sports yoga skin and hair care
Turn Offs: negative attitude towards other people criticism and condemnation injustice and inequality both in society as a whole and in everyday life I strive for equality justice and respect for every person
Sexual preference: bisexual
Age: 20 years old
Hair color: brown
Eye color: grey
Bust / Penis size: tiny
Current status on LiveJasmin is: Offline.
In Jan 2025, LolaMeddison spent a total of 36 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
The graphic above shows status distribution of model online time.
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