- Model since 01/11/2024
- Last online: 04/01/2025
- Lesbians
I am a woman with big dreams I just recently turned 18 and began my journey to fulfill my goals and dreams In my free time I want to develop myself so I dance take photographs do yoga and read books I also like to go to the cinema or for a walk to relax a little with friends everyone thinks I m very sociable I live in a nice city where I also study At university I study design and everything about it because I really want to capture all the beauty of nature and our world every little moment you just need to be attentive I also want to convey this to all people on earth so that everyone can appreciate the beauty and also value of their life because there is nothing more beautiful than life Also my dream is to help everyone I can t look at the grief of strangers it breaks my heart I believe that everyone deserves a better life
Description & Turn Offs
Turn Ons: I like surprises travel walks through the city at night and pleasant time with people close to me
Turn Offs: I don t like getting up working hard and talking to people I don t like
Sexual preference: straight
Age: 18 years old
Hair color: brown
Eye color: blue
Bust / Penis size: normal
Current status on LiveJasmin is: Public Show.
In Jan 2025, LynetteBroady spent a total of 42 minute(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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